- Evenementenkalender
- NLUUG-evenementen
- Call for Proposals (CFP)
- NLUUG 'Nix' Meetup maart 2024
- NLUUG najaarsconferentie 2017
- NLUUG najaarsconferentie 2018
- Arjan Widlak - The Digital Cage
- Ben Gras - TLBleed, when Protecting Your CPU Caches is Not Enough
- Benjamin Martin - FileSender: sharing large files across research facilities
- Dag Wieers - Managing complex infrastructures in lab environments with Ansible
- Hagen Bauer - Secure your Networks with the Opensource Firewall pfSense
- Jan-Piet Mens - The Story of OwnTracks
- John Yani Arrasjid - Cloud Evolution and Revolution: Catering for Mission Critical Workloads
- Kees Meijs - Cloud construction at Nefos
- Martijn van Lom - Fragile cyber-world: will fragmentation kill cybersecurity?
- Mike Ciavarella - Shaved Yaks, Saving an endangered species
- Mischa Peters - What Every Security Professional Should Know About the Dark Web
- Olaf Molenveld - How to use smart canary releasing for containers to increase velocity and reduce issues
- Pieter Jenniskens - Microservices, containers and Kubernetes
- René Ladan - Decoding the DCF77 time signal on a Raspberry Pi
- Slawek Wojtczak - ZFS Boot Environments
- Tom Tervoort - The road to TLS 1.3
- NLUUG najaarsconferentie 2019
- Andreas Hülsing - Post-quantum cryptography
- Bram Cappers - Eventpad: Cybercrime Analysis Using Visual Analytics
- Carlo Berto - An update on RPKI
- Carlo Meijer - Self-encrypting deception
- David Blank-Edelman - SRE101: Lessons from a Parallel Universe
- Debarshi Basak - Next generation app security and mitigation for Lawfirms
- Edwin van Andel - Tales (Fails) from the trenches…
- Eric Verheul - Remote Document Encryption
- Hagen Bauer - Treating documentation as code
- Martin Geusebroek - Counter social engineering
- Michael Boelen - Let's create better* scripts
- Michiel Leenaars - The Commons Conservancy
- Moritz Müller - Roll, Roll, Roll your Root — first DNSSEC Root KSK Rollover
- Pieter Lexis - Running containers with systemd-nspawn
- Roland van Rijswijk-Deij - QBC: The Quantum Blockchain Cloud — debunking quantum myths and fables
- Sebastian Österlund - RIDL: Rogue In-Flight Data Load
- Thomas Attema - Cryptographic applications of quantum mechanics
- Wim ten Have - What does vNUMA actually mean?
- NLUUG najaarsconferentie 2021
- Attilla de Groot - Integrating host networking with EVPN
- Dennis Baaten - & DANE for SMTP
- Elger Jonker - May Contain Hackers 2022, the Dutch hacker camp after SHA
- Jaap Akkerhuis - The sky is falling: The sun is exploding, duck! Revisited
- Martin Pels - 10 years of NLNOG RING
- Mischa Peters - The OpenBSD hypervisor in the wild, a short story, but getting longer
- Pieter Lexis - YANG and NETCONF for Systems Administration?
- Rudi van Drunen - What are FPGAs anyway and why is it fun to play with them?
- Sake Blok - TLS decryption in times of Perfect Forward Secrecy
- Sjoera Nas - It's the metadata, stupid! Privacy versus de grote cloudproviders
- Vesna Manojlovic - Technical Communities Resilience During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Walter Lioen - Snellius: the latest Dutch national supercomputer
- Wouter de Vries - Anycast: What is it and How to measure it
- NLUUG najaarsconferentie 2022
- Andreas Hülsing - An update on NIST's PQC standardization process
- Francisco Dominguez & Zawadi Done - Automating incident response should be the default
- Joost van Dijk - From passwords to passkeys: what's new with FIDO?
- Joyce Mellens - Caer: An IoT Firewall for consumers
- Kris Buytaert - Help My Datacenter is On Fire
- Lucinda Sterk - Talk nerdy to me
- Marcel Kornegoor - Course as Code: the future of AT Computing's training courses
- Michiel Leenaars - NLnet and NGI Zero: Working for the internet
- Ondřej Caletka - Run your own networking lab with Vagrant and Ansible
- Riccardo ten Cate & Glenn ten Cate - Exploitation, automation, mitigation
- Rob Hulsebos - OT Cybersecurity Challenges
- Sake Blok - LOG4SHELL: Getting to know your adversary
- NLUUG najaarsconferentie 2023
- Arnoud Engelfriet - Open Minds, Open Source: Navigating AI in the New Frontier of Intellectual Property Law
- Bart van den Akker - HomeComputerMuseum: What we are and how we share the history
- Carlo Meijer - All cops are broadcasting: Obtaining the secret TETRA primitives after decades in the shadows
- David Venhoek - Time in the Network
- Eirik Øverby - On FreeBSD, DDoS, and getting up from under the bus
- Fabian Groffen en Kevin Keijzer - The CPU RootKit you probably don’t know about
- Geert Rolf - UTX/32 and the art of fire breathing -- a long forgotten chapter in UNIX history
- Jan Jacob Pebesma - Energy System Simulation in the Cloud: ESSIM & ESDL-Mapeditor using Kubernetes & DevSecOps
- Jan Sepp - De NLUUG ledenadministratie naar Open Source? 🇳🇱
- Jeroen Baten - Het nieuwste computervirus heet burn-out en alleen gemotiveerde mensen kunnen het krijgen 🇳🇱
- Jeroen Janssen - Defending the Democracy using BSD 🇳🇱
- Koen van Hove - SPooFd: How to Spoof Mails, Even with Full SPF and DMARC Protection
- Lukas Mocek - Collaboration kills Competition
- Maja Reissner - What if hacking were a sport?
- Maja Reissner, Mendel Mobach en Lisette Meij - WOOt does the government do?
- Maxim Burgerhout - Postgres on Kubernetes, the time is now!
- Michael Boelen en Patrick Reijnen - Oops, we overhauled the website...
- Petr Pucil - Tools for analyzing binary formats
- Wouter Prins - The journey to opensource networking with OpenBSD @AS15693
- NLUUG najaarsconferentie 2024
- Ad Schellevis - OPNsense - ontwerp en architectuur
- Ad uit 't Noorden - Introductie MQTT, Tasmota & Node-RED
- Alessandro Vozza - Introduction to WebAssembly: from browser-based to server-side
- Arjen Lentz and Tobias Eggendorfer - Snakes in the grass! How to improve code quality and development processes
- Arnout Engelen - Bootstrapping a Museum with Open Source
- Eirik Øverby - FreeBSD and the absurdities of security compliance
- Gerlof Langeveld - Performance analyse op basis van Linux cgroups (v2)
- Gunes Acar - From Cookies to Keyloggers: Understanding Modern Online Tracking Techniques
- Helma de Boer - Zwartboek Chatcontrol
- Joyatee Datta - Detecting VPN Traffic: Techniques and Insights from Traffic Analysis
- Marcel Kornegoor - Course as Code 2.0: what we have learned and done since Nov 2022
- Marit Hoefsloot - Samen een open mobiel ecosysteem voor publieke organisaties ontwerpen
- Nick Hooijberg - Build your own Sustainable Cloud Unit from Scratch
- Remco Poortinga - Netflow-informatie snel doorzoekbaar maken
- Rix Groenboom en Nils van der Deen - Ervaringen met Open Source implementaties voor openEHR
- Robert Frans van der Willigen - Verantwoord gebruik van ChatGPT en andere Generative AI-modellen
- Rogier Spoor - The Zero-trust hoax
- Valentijn Sessink - De wet en de vrije software
- Walter Belgers - Hacking - 30 jaar geleden
- NLUUG nieuwjaarsborrel 2024
- NLUUG voorjaarsconferentie 2017
- NLUUG voorjaarsconferentie 2018
- Adrianus Warmenhoven - Port Knocking
- James Bottomley - Enhancing Linux Security with TPM
- Ralf Dolmans & Martin Hoffmann - DNSSEC: Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'
- Rogier Spoor & François Kooman - Let's Connect! - Open Source VPN solution
- Rogier Spoor & François Kooman - Let's Connect! - Open Source VPN solution
- Walter Belgers - Gigatron TTL Computer
- Willem Westerhof - How an intern hacked the power grid
- NLUUG voorjaarsconferentie 2019
- Alexios Zavras - Making Open Source Easily Usable
- Amir Jerbi - Keeping your Kubernetes secured using kube-hunter, kube-bench and microscanner GitHub
- Andy Miller - Quickly build a personal resume site with Grav, a modern flat-file open source CMS
- Bert Hubert - DNS & TLS SNI: Now with encryption... and cloud
- Esther Crabbendam - Protection of data, privacy and online freedom in a fast changing world
- Frank Karlitschek - ownCloud/nextCloud, why I forked my own project and my own company
- Joost van Dijk - FIDO2 and Web Authentication
- Kashyap Chamarthy - Effective Virtual CPU Configuration with QEMU and libvirt
- Maxim Burgerhout - End-to-end automation with Ansible
- Mike Hulsman - The NLUUG FTP server
- Olivier Lambert - XCP-ng: building an Open Source and turnkey virtualization platform
- Reinoud van Leeuwen - Built-in security in an agile online software development environment
- Robert Altnoeder - Software Defined Storage the Linux way
- Rudi van Drunen - CI/CD in a Modern World
- Suzanne Daniels - From Clippy to Kernel
- NLUUG voorjaarsconferentie 2022
- Ariën Vijn - De techniek bij Freedom Internet
- Benno Overeinder - Internet Standards: The IETF Process
- Brenno de Winter - Pandemie + Security != Kattepis
- Emile Aben - The Internet in Ukraine (and what we can learn from it)
- Erik van Zijst - Open Silicon
- Jeroen Baten - Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) with Odoo
- Jilles & Jurre Groenendijk - No, we won't fix your computer
- Jos Bredek - Slim vest met realtime edge-computing
- Machteld Vrieze - How will the EU new legislative frameworks impact the digital infrastructure?
- Mark Overmeer - Open Search with Skrodon
- Robin Sommer - Spicy: Creating Robust Parsers for Dissecting Network Protocols
- Willem Toorop - Het opzetten van een Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) baken
- Wouter van Rooij - Secure Development Lifecycle in open source projects
- NLUUG voorjaarsconferentie 2023
- Bert Hubert - Deep Learning Totally From Scratch
- Björn Wijers - Kom voor de Hersenspoeling en help in De Digitale Spoelkeuken
- Cristian Hesselman - Increasing Internet security by bridging research and operations
- Ed Schouten - Buildbarn: a distributed build cluster
- Frans Schippers - Inspecting TLS
- Harm van Stekelenburg - PubHubs, a community network based on public values
- Jan Ainali - Introduction to public code
- Jan-Piet Mens - Ansible: it's a fact
- Jesse Lourens - SBOM, an overview
- Maarten Aertsen - The EU regulating (open source) software: the proposed Cyber Resilience Act
- Nicole Wajer - Wat hebben IPv6 en broccoli gemeenschappelijk
- Paul Möller en Jan Willem Brandenburg - Dissect: The open-source framework for large-scale host investigations
- Paul Reuvers en Marc Simons - Operation RUBICON
- Peter van Eijk - Cloud is here to stay
- Rix Groenboom - Validation of AI: Towards a Driving Exam for OpenPilot
- Sander Raaijmakers en Leo Rozendaal - Connectivity Standards Alliance - Zigbee Direct and Matter
- Tamara Brandt - What's OPEN about data protection?
- Walter Belgers - Mijn avonturen met het Anker magneetslot
- Winn Schwartau - Metawar: The Art and Science & Conflict & Reality Distortion in the Metaverse
- NLUUG voorjaarsconferentie 2024
- Alain van Hoof - Kubernetes from Scratch, The Hard Way
- Alexios Zavras - The Increasing Importance of SBOMs and the Latest Developments
- Armijn Hemel - Having Fun with the ZIP File Format
- Ben de Haan and Jeroen Willemsen - How to (not) Use Secrets with OWASP WrongSecrets
- Eelco Maljaars - Platform building in the Fediverse: creating the actual Social Social Web
- Jeroen Baten - Making Ansible Playbooks to Configure Single Sign-on for Popular Open Source Applications
- Joeri de Ruiter - Privacy-vriendelijk loggen voor Incident-response
- Joost Gadellaa - Oh nee, Schaduw-ICT!
- Joost Grunwald en Patrick Kuin - Harnessing AI and Open-Source Tools for Enhanced IT Security Vulnerability Assessment
- Klaas van Gend - Parallelization of C++ Code Using C++17
- Matt Baer - Federated Blogging with WriteFreely
- Niels Hatzmann - Kiesraad: Nieuwe Uitslagensoftware voor de Verkiezingen
- Open Source Monitoring and Observability, where are we now
- Paul K. Gerke - Building and Replacing On-prem Deep Learning Infrastructure for Medical Image Analysis
- Peter Honeyman - Money for Nothing, Chips for Free
- Robbert Schep and Jeroen v. Wijck - A proposal for Local Smartphone-based Adhoc Network in Disaster Areas.
- Rudi van Drunen - Precision Timekeeping for the Masses
- Stefan Ubbink - De Algoritme-rollover voor .nl
- Tom Lyon - Why NFS must die, and how to get Beyond File Sharing in the Cloud.
- NLUUG voorjaarsconferentie 2025
- Sprekers
- Ad Schellevis
- Ad uit 't Noorden
- Alessandro Vozza
- Andreas Hülsing
- Arjen Lentz
- Arnoud Engelfriet
- Arnout Engelen
- Bart van den Akker
- Bert Hubert
- Carlo Meijer
- Cristian Hesselman
- David Venhoek
- Ed Schouten
- Eirik Øverby
- Fabian Groffen
- Francisco Dominguez
- Frans Schippers
- Geert Rolf
- Gerlof Langeveld
- Glenn ten Cate
- Gunes Acar
- Harm van Stekelenburg
- Helma de Boer
- Jan Ainali
- Jan Jacob Pebesma
- Jan Willem Brandenburg
- Jan-Piet Mens
- Jeroen Baten
- Jeroen Janssen
- Jesse Lourens
- Joost van Dijk
- Joyatee Datta
- Joyce Mellens
- Kevin Keijzer
- Koen van Hove
- Lech Bialek
- Leo Rozendaal
- Lisette Meij
- Lucinda Sterk
- Lukas Mocek
- Maarten Aertsen
- Maja Reissner
- Marc Simons
- Marcel Kornegoor
- Marit Hoefsloot
- Mark Overmeer
- Maxim Burgerhout
- Melchior Aelmans
- Mendel Mobach
- Michiel Leenaars
- Mike Ciavarella
- Nick Hooijberg
- Nicole Wajer
- Nils van der Deen
- Olaf Kolkman
- Paul Möller
- Paul Reuvers
- Peter van Eijk
- Petr Pucil
- Remco Poortinga
- Riccardo ten Cate
- Rix Groenboom
- Rob Hulsebos
- Robert Frans van der Willigen
- Sake Blok
- Sander Raaijmakers
- Tamara Brandt
- Tobias Eggendorfer
- Valentijn Sessink
- Walter Belgers
- Winn Schwartau
- Wouter Bokslag
- Wouter Prins
- Zawadi Done
- Aankondiging keynote najaarsconferentie 2023
- Bijdrage gevraagd voor gebruik ACME binnen overheid
- Bram Moolenaar overleden
- Call for Proposals najaarsconferentie 2023 geopend
- Call for Proposals najaarsconferentie 2024 geopend
- Call for Proposals voorjaarsconferentie 2025 geopend
- Erelid Frances Brazier onderscheiden met Ridderorde in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw
- Erelid Willem de Vries overleden
- FTP-server: standaard redirect naar HTTPS
- Interview met Ronny Lam over oprichting DOSBA
- Kickoff Dutch Open Source Business Alliance (DOSBA)
- Lening voor Freedom Internet
- Migratie evenementen en conferenties gestart
- Nieuw logo en nieuwe huisstijl voor NLUUG
- Nieuwe FTP-server online!
- Nieuwe functionaliteit website: Content Review
- Nieuwe leden programmacommissie gezocht
- Nieuwe PC-voorzitter: Fred Donck
- Nieuwe website in aanbouw
- Nieuwe website online
- NLUUG onderschrijft oproep aan de Nederlandse overheid om te stoppen met bigtech sociale media
- NLUUG stopt met gebruik X (voorheen Twitter)
- Opnames en presentaties voorjaarsconferentie 2023 nu beschikbaar
- Postuum SFS Award voor VIM ontwikkelaar en NLUUG Award winnaar Bram Moolenaar
- Sluiting eerste ronde CFP najaarsconferentie 2023
- Uitreiking NLUUG Award aan Bert Hubert
- Vereniging NLUUG ondersteunt oproep aan SIDN om infrastructuur niet bij Amazon onder te brengen
- Wijziging in bestuur
- Bestuur
- Commissies
- Doelstellingen
- NLUUG Award
- Personen
- Aschwin Marsman
- Björn Wijers
- Brenda Langedijk
- Chel van Gennip
- Debbie Reinders
- Eelco Mulder
- Fred Donck
- Fred van Galen
- Hans Van de Looy
- Hans van Zijst
- Jan Christiaan van Winkel
- Jan Sepp
- Jeroen Jonkman
- Koen de Jonge
- Luc Nieland
- Mark Janssen
- Michael Boelen
- Mike Hulsman
- Mischa Peters
- Nick Cohn
- Patrick Reijnen
- Reinoud van Leeuwen
- Rogier Spoor
- Ronny Lam
- Roy van Leeuwen
- Rudi van Drunen
- Toshaan Bharvani
- Willem de Vries
- Willem Toorop