De NLUUG conferentie wordt samen met de Embedded Linux Conference Europe gehouden. Op 6 november zijn alle lezingen van de Embedded Linux Conference Europe ook toegankelijk voor bezoekers van de NLUUG najaarsconferentie. Lezingen op deze dag zijn:
- Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri -- Rich GUI without pain
- Bas Engel -- Digital television with Linux: architecture and opportunities
- Thomas Gleixner -- Kernel summit report
- Peter Griffin -- A quart into a pint pot: porting uCLinux to small micros
- Eugeny S. Mints -- Taking Linux power management to production quality
- Denis Mishin -- A corner-to-corner approach for cost-effective implementation of consumer electronics human machine interfaces
- Michael Opdenacker -- Update on filesystems for flash storage
- Thomas Petazzoni -- Choosing free software graphical libraries for embedded devices
- Gregers Petersen -- Embedded magic, or how people suddenly find out that they are collaborating (some thoughts parsed through the brain of an anthropologist)
- Matthew Porter -- Managing NAND longevity in a product
- Vitaly Wool -- Using "Dot Clock" displays in embedded Linux devices
- Wookey -- Solar hot water geekery: making infinitely versatile home heating controllers with free software and open hardware
Uitgebreide beschrijvingen van de lezingen zijn te vinden op de ELCE 2008 website.
The Embedded Linux Conference (ELC) is the premier vendor-neutral technical conference for companies and developers using Linux in embedded products. The main sponsor of ELC is the CE Linux Forum (CELF). Each year two conferences are organized. In Spring, ELC - CELF's main international event - is organized in the USA. In Autumn, ELC Europe is held targeting a European audience.
CE Linux Forum is an international open source software development community established in 2003. It is a forum of like-minded software engineers dedicated to the development and enhancement of Linux-based embedded devices through the irreplaceable resource of shared knowledge. These engineers bring their ideas and finest skills to such missions as decreasing system size, startup/shutdown time, and power consumption; improving compatibility to various CPU architectures, and developing middleware.