Implementing UMTS support on openSUSE 11.0
Stefan Seyfried
SUSE Linux Products GmbH
<geen email>
UMTS/3g networks are a hot topic. This talk focuses on the implementation that was done for openSUSE 11.0, from both a users and the developers view.


  • UMTSmon
  • NetworkManager.
I will also talk about the ongoing development after 11.0 and on Linux distributions in general.

2000 - joined SuSE as a Systems Administrator.
2003 - left SUSE for almost a year as a consultant for a small software company in Chemnitz.
2004 - rejoined SUSE in the QA and the Mobile Devices department.

Today I am working in the Mobile Devices team, which is part of the desktop department, working on suspend/resume issues, bluetooth and UMTS/3G. I maintain numerous software packages for SUSE.

In my spare time I am hacking on the project for satellite TV set-top-boxes, of course running Linux.

Last modified: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 23:20:22 +0200