Nicole Wajer

Nicole is based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. She has held many positions the latest as a Technical Solutions Architect in Enterprise Networks and Software Team World Wide Sales Organization but never lost her interest in IPv6. She graduated with a degree in Computer Science from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and specializes in Security, the Internet of Things (IoT), and IPv6.
Her career in Cisco started in Routing and Switching and Network Security, but since fighting spam and malware turned out to be in her “Cisco DNA” since her first day on the Internet, a move to Content Security was an obvious progression. Recently she joined the Enterprise Networking team to continue her IPv6 & Security passion.
She is a frequent Speaker for various Cisco Live conferences around the world.
As people who have met her in person will attest, Nicole is very friendly and talkative, as well as quite active on social media. She also acts as the social secretary for Koala, her stuffed marsupial travel companion and conversation starter. But also she is known for being the ‘Chief Stroopwafel Officer’ #stroopwafel